Safe Supplementation


OPTI-MEN & OPTI-WOMEN from Optimum Nutrition provides a great blend of vitamins, minerals and other essential nutrients are the body's fundamental building blocks. 

Fish Oil

Fish oil is high in omega-3 fatty acids. Omega-3s lower inflammation in the body resulting in decreased risk for heart disease and decreased joint pain. Fish oil should be a staple of every athlete's diet.


The blend of natural vitamins that include Zinc, Magnesium, and Vitamin B6 can help increase Testosterone in well trained Athletes, as well as help with a restful sleep!

Vitamin D3

Vitamin D is becoming very popular in the supplement world. It is most known for its role in bone health, but is also vital for protection against disease and cancer. Recent studies also suggest that optimal vitamin D may enhance muscle function.

MuscleMilk Collegiate

MuscleMilk Collegiate Series is a great way to get your post-training nutrition fast!  With a great carbohydrate to protein ratio, this is a must have for any college athlete.  It is also NCCA Approved and comes in many different and tasty flavors

Branch Chain Amino Acids

Amino acids have been shown for their potential anticatabolic (preventing muscle breakdown) and anabolic (muscle building) effects. Great supplementation during training!